Gosia Cymbal, Grzegorz Lecki, Janet Baker, Eliza Warzycha, Bozena Stanek, Iwona Testani attended.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved.
The matter of the P.O. Box has been brought up. Eliza found out that closing/opening may be done online. The Board does not need to proceed with a change of location because Janet has committed to checking the box (she lives nearby).
Greg presented the state of finances of the Club. Gosia would like a more streamlined method of keeping track of the accounts and creating a budget. It has been decided to issue a refund to members who paid tuition to PACanow since it will not be in operation the coming school year.
Money market: Greg is going to invest $20,000 (Capital 360), the rest of funds will stay in the existing account at Chase. Greg will monitor it to make sure funds are not going to go below the level required to avoid penalty fees. Janet put this motion on the table, Iwona seconded it. Everybody else present agreed.
Insurance: Janet will take care of the bill when it comes in the mail.
The storage space: Bozenka looked into sizes/locations/fees. Preferred location agreed on was Westerville. Greg suggested meeting on site of a storage facility with the Club’s belongings (other members who have things stored at their homes currently would need to be informed).
We will judge the size on site. A specific date has not been set.
Potential dates for the annual camp out, kayak outing were dicussed. Gosia will contact the park re. availability. Three choices were decided on – two dates in August, one in September.
Gosia presented an idea to reach out to other Ohio clubs to organize joint gatherings, like a summer soccer match. Michael will reach out to The OSU Polish Club re. other activities (store queue game, volleyball match).
Michael will take over the Club’s membership drive duties.
Gosia will contact Megan Fitze, from Dublin Art Council, to introduce herself as the new Polish American Club’s president. Megan is responsible for B.R.E.A.D. event, organized annually in Dublin.
It celebrates/informs the community about the diversified heritage in the Columbus area. Janet and Greg attended a meeting with Dublin City Council. The event is being held on October 21, registration needs to be done asap. Gosia will take care of it. The city contributes $300 to participating organizations to assemble a booth with informational materials/food samples.
We discussed foods we could make as contributions.
Iwona will contact the Art Council re. status of the outdoor sculpture that will be placed in Kosciuszko Park. The unveiling could be combined with the park’s opening anniversary?
Bozenka will bring to Zuzia Hammond’s attention an idea if a traditional dance workshop, per Gosia’s idea.
The board will not meet in June due to various vacation plans. Next meeting will take place in July, at a public library on Lane Rd, Upper Arlington.
Meeting adjourned.
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