PAC from the Board’s Meeting August 18, 2020

Meeting ID: 918 8430 9256

Password: 095670

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


                     President:  Robert Warzycha

                     Vice-President: Bożena Stanek

                     Treasurer: Bartosz Warzycha

                     Secretary: Helena Rempała

                     Trustees: Iwona Testani, Marlena Przybył, 

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Approval of minutes from last meeting:  Election results are posted on the web. No minutes were prepared from the elections. 
  3. Financial Report: AT the end of July PAC had $30501.74 

Bartek educated the Board that our monthly expenses are $60 for storage and $14 for website. Our yearly expense are related to the taxes and are $50 for the registration and $70 a non-for-profit fee. 

He also reported that the down payment for Wigilia has been paid. 

  1. Open Issues: 
  2. Cancelled Piknik – All present expressed regrets that the Piknik was cancelled. We heard from other members similar regrets. 
  3. Commemoration of the 40-th Anniversary of PAC. Set up the time and place for the Sunday 23rd filming. We decided to meet at 9:30am on Sunday at the Kosciuszko Park. Rain date TBD. The Board brainstormed about the message we would like to convey. Helena promised to put it together and will send it to the Board for comments and changes (Wednesday evening the latest). Ideas were offered to get pictures from our oldest and youngest Staś’s to include in the collage (after Sunday we will decide if we need/want to do this).  Helena will also contact Xenia to ask about the very beginning of PAC and invite to Kościuszko Park. We are shooting for a bi-lingual, 3 minutes long clip. 
  4. PAC’s role in the Polish Language Holy Masses:  there was a suggestion made to invite Father to the PAC Board meeting to clarify his expectations and how to support him. Robert will talk to Father. 
  5. Idea for an All Members Meeting (Walne Zebranie), on Zoom or other platform: Given that only one event was cancelled so far and we have hopes that Wigilja’s plans will proceed as planned the Board decided to wait till we will have a clear idea what will be happening in December. Just to be on the safe side we started brainstorming of a way to have virtual Wigilja. The ideas suggested were:  live-streaming of the Christmas blessing, short address from the Board with Christmas Wishes,  time for families to wish each other Merry Christmas. 

New Item:

  • Marlena asked for an update on the Ronald McDonald’s House families. Bożenka, Iwona, Helena described the situation, likely needs, and the generous response of our community. At this point we will forgo looking for a coordinator. Helena now has a list of people that helped the families in the past and others that could not help but responded with a message to be included for the next time. We will reach out to them next time the Club will be contacted with a request for help. The current Polish families staying at the RMH are telling us that there are 4 families actively fundraising for the trip from Poland to NWC Hospital. All children have brain and spinal cord cancers as far as we know. 
  • Next meeting: September 23, 7pm. Place TBD, likely someone’s house/yard.