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Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


Vice-President: Bożena Stanek

Secretary: Helena Rempała, 

Trustees: Iwona Testani, Małgorzata Cymbał, Joanna KriegerCall to order and roll call: Bartosz Warzycha, and Robert were excused. 

I. Approval of minutes from April’ elections 

II. Financial Report: Bartosz sent out the following: Current PAC Balance sheet as of today, 5/18/2021 reads; $30,228.87

III. Open Issues:

  1. Welcome to the new Trustees: The Board welcomed Gosia Cymbał and Asia Krieger to the Board. Both new Trustees expressed their readiness to resume work on behalf of the Board, both recalled their previous experiences. 
  2. Evaluation of Marzanna Contest: The Board expressed thanks to Bożenka for organizing Marzanna. Bożenka reported again the results (available on PAC website). The participation was good and people enjoyed both making the Marzannas and voting. The contest was judged by the Board as a success.
  3. The Webmaster, Gosia Thurstone, could not be present but confirmed that she is working on adding PAC address to Yelp, Google and Microsoft 360. 
  4. Nathan’s Silberstein request, see the brochure attached (we would like the results: The Board voted unanimously to post his request on our media if still needed (Helena is waiting for Nathan’s response). Gosia C. asked that we make our participation, if still needed, contingent upon receiving the results from the project. The idea was accepted by the Board. 
  5. Program for the next year: suggestions and responsibilities

We discussed the next year’s tasks 

  • June: Gosia C. volunteered to organize PAC volleyball. After a short discussion it was suggested to pick Wednesdays as the game days. Gosia C. will compose an email, in two languages and pass it onto Gosia T, the Webmaster for distribution. 

Spring Cleaning? Helena asked for help with preparing full Inventory of PAC assets. She porposed the name Spring Cleaning for the initiative. Iwona reminded the work that Eliza Warzycha and herself already put into organizing and maintaining the PAC storage unit. We will ask Eliza for help with the inventory. Asia volunteered to help with sorting and Gosia C. volunteered with recording the Inventory. Helena will compose the media message asking members for help in locating any remaining assets.

The Board decided to devote the June meeting to the preparation of the PAC piknik. 

  • July: There will be no meeting in July. 
  • August: We selected the traditional labor Day weekend for the PAC piknik. Helena and Bartek will look into reserving the dates: Friday 9/3, Saturday 9/4 departure Sunday 9/5.
  • September: The Board is planning the Picnic for 9/3-5/5 


  • October:
  • November:
  • December: The Board is planning Wigilja for 12/11/21 (Bożenka will contact The Barn to make the reservations.
  • January: 
  • February: The Board discussed options for the winter celebration. Two suggestions were made: Walentynki and Ostatki. The Board voted to organize Walentynki for a change. Bożenka reminded the Board that there will be a need to update the decorations from Mardi Gras theme to Walentynki.  Tentative date chosen: 2/12. We will ask Bartosz to look into the reservation.
  • March: We plan to drown Marzanna, again. 
  • April: Elections for the 2022 Board. 

IV. Other Issues 

Bozenka and Gosia suggested looking into other traditional American and Polish celebrations like Wianki (St. John’s Night), Halloween,  Andrzejki. The discussion followed, to be continued. The Board decided that a lot will depend on how the year will proceed and the members’ involvement in the major events.  

V. Adjournment: Next Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of the month, June 15th at 7pm. We will meet in person, likely in one of the Board members living rooms or gardens, TBD, weather permitting.