I. There was no June meeting.
II. Roll Call
a. President: Kris Dawidowicz (Present)
b. Vice: Greg Kamieniecki (Present)
c. Treasurer: Bartosz Warzycha (Absent)
d. Trustees:Joanna Krieger (Present)
Ela Bobra (Absent)
Maciej Czechowski (Absent)
Robert Kamieniecki (Present)
e. Interim Secretary: Helena Rempala (Present)
f. Web Master: Malgorzata Thurston (Present)
III. Minutes from the May 17th meeting approved.
IV. Usual financial report not conducted due to Bartosz’s absence.
V. Selection of new Secretary: Robert Kamieniecki announced as candidate. To be voted on at next meeting. Helena Rempala will remain Secretary until further notice.
VI. Planning for Picnic.
a. Campsite has been secured.
b. Board agreed to draft and place an Announcement on the Website. Camping to be held during Labor Day weekend. Official end time to be changed to Monday at 4:00pm.
c. Board agreed to reinstate enforced ticketing for camping. $5/vehicle and $10/tent.
d. Board agreed to implement option to create PayPal ticket purchase option on the Website.
e. For those not wishing to pay via PayPal, it will need to be included in the Announcement that they must pay in cash at the campsite.
f. Board agreed to the following concerning the ongoing Ukraine fundraising effort:
i. To provide an option to donate during the PayPal checkout.
ii. To consider donating to the “Solidarna Paczka” charity.
g. Board agreed to purchase a cooler, sausages, napkins, trash bags, utensils, table cloths, and bottled water for the Picnic/Bonfire.
h. Will need to reach out people for firewood.
i. Will need to bring following items out of storage: big tent, volleyball net, flags, signs.
j. Will need to reach out to others to bring items such as soccer nets.
k. Details to be finalized at next meeting.
VII. Kris to sign on behalf of PAC for the National Museum of the American People.
VIII. PAC was notified by Tom Holton in an email (tom.holton@dublinohiohistory.org) that Thaddeus Kosciuszko Park marker 10621 Riverside Drive is in bad shape. Helena agreed to investigate and keep Board apprised.
IX. PAC and UCSO/NWH: Helena to continue dealing with these organizations/efforts.
X. PAC Constitution was distributed to the Board.
XI. Wigilja reservation planned for December 10.
XII. Ostatki 2023 details will be discussed in future meetings. Topics of discussion will include the purchase of new dancefloor lights.
XIII. Next meeting will be held at Kris’s house August 12 at 7:00pm.
XIV. Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.