PAC Board Meeting March 9th, 2021

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


                    President: Robert Warzycha

                    Vice-President: Bożena Stanek

                    Tresurer: Bartosz Warzycha

                    Secretary: Helena Rempała, 

                    Trustees: Iwona Testani, Marlena Przybył

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. The minutes from last January full Board meeting and from the Supplemental Meeting were approved. 

Financial Report: The balance for February: $31,103.96

  1. Open Issues: 
  2. Elections: 

The Current Board, with exception of Marlena, is advancing the candidacies of its members in the 2021 elections. The Board is focusing on recruiting new officers and trustees for this election and for the 2022. The candidacies of Asia and Zuzia were strongly supported. Robert agreed to reach out tto the two potential Trustees. We will announce the election by this Saturday on social media asking for members to self-nominate for the Board positions. Helena will draft a statement and Gosia will finalize its posting. Bartek suggested to send emails regarding the elections as well. Iwona and Ela checked the current COVID restrictions and suggested that the elections should be held outside. Robert suggested Kościuszko’s Park, just like for the 2020 elections. 

  • April meeting elections: the date was approved for the 4/20/21 at 7pm at Kościuszko’s Park in Dublin (subject to change per potential end of COVID –imposed restrictions. The Board will meet at that time as well should urgent issues arise. 
  • Update on the webinar on 3/20 at 11am by Fr. Marek Kasperczuk: The sign up is going on. AT this point 15 people are registered. The Board agreed that Helena sends the link to the PAC new web page (promised to Fr. Stachura at the last meeting), along with the invitation to the webinar to Frs. Stachura and Koźmiński and Saint Christopher’s Parish.
  • Finalize the idea on Marzanna: The Board agreed that the picture contest to select the best Marzanna is to proceed. The Board voted to offer an award to the winner: free membership for 2022. Bożenka will lead the project and coordinate with Małgosia. 
  • Issues brought up by the Webmaster:

— Adding PAC address do Yelp, google directories to help with PAC visibility during web searches: the Board unanimously voted to allow the Webmaster to add PAC top google directories and Yelp. 

– Applying to Microsoft 365 : Gosia explained the potential advantages and costs of this move. The Board asked the Webmaster for more information about the costs of this move. 

  • Gosia Cymbał expressed an interest in organizing siatkówka. The Board voted to offer full support for this endeavor, especially that it is a comeback of a well-attended activity from about 10 years ago. Malgosia T. will arrange with Gosia C. the posting advertising  this activity. 
  • Financial seminar by Bartek Warzycha: Bartek expressed his readiness to offer an introduction to financial health seminar to PAC members. The Board agreed to organize it after Easter. Bartek will let Gosia know when and what to advertise.
  • Women’s History Month beyond what Gosia already posted. The Board decided to focus on one project a month and for March it is  Marzanna’s photo contest
  • Easter Egg Hunt? Bożenka described the Easter Egg hunts organized by the Pacanów, very popular with the children attending Saturday Polish School. Without the school families organized and with the COVID restrictions in place, the Board discussed various options but no decision was made at this point. 
  • We did not discuss how to support local business which suffered due to COVID because of lack of time at this meeting. 
  • Other issues: 

Adjournment: Next Meeting: Where and when?