On Tuesday, April 19 2022 at 7pm we will be holding elections for the Board of Trustees of the Polish American Club of Columbus. The place of the event will be announced at the end of March.
We would like to announce several valuable candidates for the positions of Officers and Trustees.
Mr. Kris Dawidowicz for the position of PAC President
Mr. Grzegorz (Greg) Kamieniecki for the position of PAC Vice-President.
Ms. Elżbieta (Ela) Bobra for the position of a Trustee
Mr. Maciej Czechowski for the position of a Trustee
Mr. Robert Kamieniecki for the position a Trustee
The bios of most of the candidates are enclosed below. We will continue to update the list.
Mr. Bartosz Warzycha will continue to serve as the Club’s Treasurer.
Ms. Joanna Kruger will continue her tenure as a Trustee.
Ms. Helena Rempala will serve as an interim Secretary to help the new Board members transition into their roles.
Please contact the current Board if you have any questions regarding the elections.
WYBORY do Zarządu PAC of Columbus
Przypominamy wszystkim że we wtorek 4/19/22 o godzinie 19-tej odbędą się wybory do Zarządu Polskiego Klubu w Columbus. Miejsce głosowania ogłosimy pod koniec Marca.
Chcielibyśmy przedstawić Pństwu kandydatów na stanowiska Prezesa, Vice-Prezesa I Członków Zarządu:
Mr. Kris Dawidowicz kandyduje na stabowisko Prezesa
Mr. Grzegorz (Greg) Kamieniecki na stanowisko Vice-Prezesa
Ms. Elżbieta (Ela) Bobra kandyduje na stanowisko członka Zarządu
Mr. Maciej Czechowski kandyduje na stanowisko członka Zarządu
Mr. Robert Kamieniecki kandyduje na stanowisko członka Zarządu
Mr. Bartosz Warzycha bedzie nadal pełnił funkcję Skarbnika PAC
Ms. Joanna Kruger będzie kontynuować swoją kadencję członka Zarządu
Ms. Helena Rempala tymczasowo zostanie na stanowisku Sekretarza Klubu żeby pomóc nowemy Zarządowi przejść na swoje stanowiska.
Prosimy o zgłaszanie wszelkich pytań dotyczących wyborów do obecnych członków Zarządu.
The bios for most of the candidates are below. We will continue to update them as they become available. Poniżej znajdują się krótkie biografie większości kandydatów. Będziemy je aktualizować w miarę możliwości.
Kris Dawidowicz
Born and raised in Lodz, Poland. Since 1997 proud resident of Ohio. Business owner. Husband to wife Olimpia. Two boys – son Oscar and stepson Conrad. Very spoiled German Shephard named Bella.
Die hard fan of sports scene in Columbus – Crew , Blue Jackets , OSU.
Love music and spending time outdoors.
Greg Kamieniecki
My name is Grzegorz (Greg) Kamieniecki.
My wife Danuta and I moved to Columbus in 1996 — a year after we got married.
To keep our adventurous spirit alive, we moved to Ireland in 2006, where we spent almost five years. We came back to Columbus in 2011.
Over the last 10 years I ran my own CAD drafting/design business. At the beginning of 2022 I started a new chapter in my career as a structural designer at AEP.
In my free time I enjoy playing soccer as well as doing usual “men’s activities” like grilling, smoking meats, and remodeling our house.
We live in Blacklick with our two boys, Robert, an OSU student, Patrick, who attends Gahanna Lincoln HS, and our English Sheppard, Kulfon.
Robert Kamieniecki
My name is Robert Kamieniecki.
My parents are originally from Poland and moved to Columbus in 1996, where I was later born. Our family lived in Ireland for several years before moving back to Columbus in 2011.
I am currently a sophomore at OSU Main Campus, where I am planning on double majoring in economics and political science.
On campus, I am involved with BCI, the preeminent investing club on campus. At BCI, I recently took on a leadership position as the director of my sector. My responsibilities include leading weekly sector meetings and interviewing applicants.
Outside of school, I intern downtown at Boenning & Scattergood in their public finance investment banking office. Our team helps school districts and local governments raise funds through the bond market. The work combines my passion for politics and the markets.
In my free time I enjoy playing soccer, cooking, reading, investing, and traveling to new places.