Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees
Vice-President: Bożena Stanek
Secretary: Helena Rempała,
Treasurer: Bartosz Wartzycha
I. Call to order and roll call
II. Approval of minutes from July/August:
The minutes exist in the form of emails. The major take always from them are: The Board is looking for a person to relief the WebMaster of her duties. Large shoes to fill. We brainstormed about potential candidates. Bartosz will ask Konrad Kappel, Bożenka will ask Ela Bobra (and Ala Stanek for a supportive role). Helena will ask Gosia to write a short description of the WebMaster function..
Financial Report: Bartek presented the financial report for the last 4 months:
July: 30,318.31
August: 30, 238.94
September: 30,159.54
October: 30069.65
The state of the accounts does not include all picnic fees and expenses yet. They will be entered for the November report.
III. Open Issues:
Picnic: Picnic was a success. Lots of work but ultimately a success. Tony Testani was able to salvage the white food tent. The tent is back in storage.
Thanksgiving post: Bartosz and Ania will work on creating a post for Thanksgiving for our social media. They will try to include a polish accent in this beloved American Holiday. They will communicate with Gosia T. about it.
Holiday Collections: Helena will ask at the next aerobic meeting about posts regarding winter charitable collections.
Opłatki : Opłatki are already on sale. Bartek will ask Gosia to post an add, like in the past: Opłatki for sale. Ordering viaour brand new and shiny PAC website. Already 4 people ordered. The sale is to be open till December 20th.
Request from Father Stachura: Father Stchura approached The Board Eliza Warzycha for help in collecting money for the new electric keyboard for the Masses in Polish. The Board suggested to invite Father Stachura to Wigilja and announce that half of the proceeds from our small traditional Christmas bazaar will be donated to the fund for the keyboard. The present mebers of the Board supported this suggestion. The issue will be discussed further via email with the absent Board members. Helena will compose the letter for everyone to approve if the idea will be approved by other Board members.
Invitation of Polish Priests and Religious residing of Columbus to PAC Wigilja: The Board decided to invite all Polish Priests and Religious to PAC Wigilja.
Wigilja: We agreed on the following advertisement for Wigilja.
Wigilja planowana jest na 18 grudnia na godzine 17:30 w Mirolo Bran w Upper Arlington Suny Park95. Serdecznie zapraszamy i prosimy o przyniesienie jarskiej potrawy na wspólny stół.
Wstęp dla członków Klubu oraz dzieci I młodzieży do lat 18 jest bezpłatny. Gości niezrzeszonych z klubem prosimy o zapłacenie 15 dolarów przy wejściu. W czasie Wigilji tradycyjnie zbieramy ciepłe ubrania dla bezdomnych.
Chętnych do pomocy w dekorowaniu sali prosimy o kontakt z Zarządem I zapraszamy na 4-tą do Mirolo Barn.
PAC Christams Part will be held on Saturday December 18th at 5:30 pm at the Mirolo Barn in the Sunny 95 Park at Upper Arlington. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. The admission is free for the PAC membes and persons under 18 years of age. We ask alll other guests to pay 15 dollars at the door or at the web site. During Wigilja we will be collecting warm clothes for the homeless. Please bring clean and gently used items.
If yopu would like to help with decorating and setting up the barn please contact the Board and be ready to come at 4pm.
Tasks to complete:
Gosia T: post adds about Wigilja (see below), Opłatki (see above).
Bartek: will check with Maciek regarding the amplifier and microphone. The Board may need to purchase new equipment. URGENT!
Asia I Bozenka: coordinating the creation of center pieces, coordinating the decoration of the barn;
Helena: Bring Christmas Items from the storage and test the lights for Asia.
Iwona/Eliza(if able) – buy table clothes (white) and sturdy disposable plates for 100 people, utensils, cups for hot and cold liquid. Also take-out boxes (about a dozen) for extra pierogis. We will sell them for $1 a piece.
Helena (and Bożenka) will ask Jennifer if she would be willing to provide live background music like in 2019.
Gosia C – will buy gifts from Santa for the kids: The Board proposes 40 gifts for $5.
Robert: Will prepare the Presidential speech together
Helena: will put the program together.
Helena will ask Kinga, Grześ, Basia , and Mirka to help with Caroling.
Iowna: will buy nine raffle gifts for $20 each. One of the two remaining Christmas tree made by Robert will be given away in a raffle. The other will be sold at the Holiday bazaar.
Santa: The Mikulski brothers will invite Santa to the Party. The Board discussed Covid restrictions. Given that at UA there is NO mask mandates we will ask Santa to wear a mask for his own protection when talking to the children. It will be up to Santa how close he will be interacting witjh the children.
Carroling Kolędy:
Food: as usual Wigilja is a potluck. The Board ordered $300 pierogis from Danusia: We will have a sign asking people to kindly wear masks when in line for the buffet table.
Request from a Polish Master level student:
We run out of time but here is the request from a student from UAM, Poznań. Helena would like to help her. If you know people that would qualify (Bartek? Bartek’s brother? ), please share the link with them to access the questionnaire. It takes about 10 min, is in Polish and English. (We will not post this request on social media but we can help her accessing our network of people.
See below:
Jestem studentką 5. roku psychologii na UAM. W minioną środę odbyłam z Panią Doktor ćwiczenia z CPT. W nawiązaniu do naszej rozmowy po zajęciach, chciałabym Panią bardzo prosić o uzupełnienie ankiety badawczej niezbędnej do mojej pracy magisterskiej, a następnie przesłanie mojej prośby do Pani Rodziny, przyjaciół czy znajomych. Szczególnie zależałoby mi na native speakerach języka angielskiego, posługujących się również w pewnym stopniu językiem polskim.
Treść objaśniająca poniżej, a ankieta pod linkiem https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKijVkUhGNeVqHTR9kaXDzrSpESiUzwDr-sdCF_ESAK_F7aQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1d8GWk-uH1zgsdtv6CZAsTrdE5El5GOCwFQkrKIEPB–PfP-FLOu28c_w
“Szanowni Państwo!
Jestem studentką 5. roku psychologii na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Zwracam się do Państwa z prośbą o udział w badaniach psychologicznych, potrzebnych do mojej pracy magisterskiej. Badanie dotyczy wpływu dwujęzyczności na to, jak ludzie opisują siebie. Do badania zapraszam osoby pełnoletnie, znające język polski i angielski. Uzupełnienie ankiety nie powinno zająć więcej niż 15 minut. Każda Państwa odpowiedź będzie dla mnie bardzo ważna!
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a 5th year student of psychology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. I kindly ask you to take part in my MA research on the influence of bilingualism on the way people describe themselves. The survey can be completed by adults who are bilingual in both English and Polish. The survey shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to complete. Your answers will be very important for me!”
Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc.
Z wyrazami szacunku,
Monika Gryz