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PAC Minutes from the Board’s Meeting Sep 18, 2018

3 min read

PAC MEETING                                                                                              September 18, 2018

Present: Michael (the acting President), Iwona (the secretary), Eliza, Marlena, Bozenka, Helena, Asia K.(the trustees) and Gosia T. (the media administrator).

There was no financial report, the treasurer has been detained by work. Bozenka has brought the Club’s mail, it will be delivered to Bartosz( the treasurer) by Eliza.

The first item on the agenda: Nomination of vice president of the Club.

Following The PAC’s bylaws, The Trustees nominated Robert Warzycha for vice president and, with his consent, unanimously voted him to the position. Bozenka has put the motion for Robert to be accepted as a Vice President of The PAC on the table, Iwona seconded the motion.

Once Robert Warzycha was officially accepted as vice president, Michael O’Shea stepped down as the acting president. He has cited personal and professional reasons. The Board has accepted his resignation.

Therefore, by The Club’s bylaws, Mr. Warzycha has become The PAC’s president. Helenka has put the motion on the table to nominate Michael O’Shea as a vice president for the reminder of a term. He accepted the nomination, Bozenka seconded the motion.

Members of The Club will be notified of the changes with a posting on The Club’s website. Everybody present approved the content of the posting.

The B.R.E.A.D. Festival:

It will be take place in Coffman Park in Dublin on October 16, 12 – 9 PM.

The grant check has been received. Bozenka and Eliza will take care of details of organizing the event.  Our booth’s question for The Festival’s contest is going to be: “What are the colors of the Polish flag?” A need for volunteers will be announced on Facebook. Robert and Eliza will talk to Val, The La Chatelaine Bistro’s manager regarding providing paczki for the event. 

The Club’s E-mail account:

Iwona checks e-mails, informs The Board if needed, notifies Bartosz and Gosia T. when new members register. 

The last event for the year – Wigilia:

December 15, 2018, 5:30 – 10 PM, Amelita Mirolo Barn in Upper Arlington.

The Board has decided to try a different location in hopes the location will increase attendance. An organizing committee will be formed, hopefully by The Club’s next meeting.

Mateusz and Mikolaj Mikulscy will act as Santa and his helper again this year. We talked about a possibility of catering some of the food by Helenka’s suggestion and kids playing their recital music instead of Christmas music.

Michael and Bartosz will let us know the date of the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.