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PAC BOARD MEETING March 22nd, 2022

3 min read

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees, 


                     President: Robert Warzycha

                      Vice-President: Bożena Stanek

                     Tresurer: Bartosz Warzycha

                     Secretary: Helena Rempała, 

                     Trustees: Iwona Testani, 

Webmaster: Malgorzata Thurston

  1. Call to order and roll call.
  2. Approval of the minutes from the March 2nd Extraordinary meeting. 
  3. Financial Report: The Treasurer presented the financial statements for the last 3 months. Bozena and Bartosz are still working out the last few invoices from the Wigilja and Valentine’s party for the supplies. 

December: 29881.77

January: 29923.13 

February $30594.93

4. Open Issues: 

The Board decided to secure the dates for the next year’s events given the steep competition we have been facing for the parks and party halls in 2021/22. 

Camping: Bartosz reserved the Camping site for September 2-5 for PAC Picnic. 

Wigilja: Bozenka will call and try to reserve the spot for Wigilja at the Mirollo Barn at UA Sunny95 Park. At the meeting she checked online and found that 12/10/22 is available from 4pm till 11pm. The Board decided to reserve it, and let the next Board decide if the date will fit their plans. 

Ostatki: Bartosz will call Mark at the American Legion in Worthington and inquire about the space and deposits for the next year to help the new Board with planning.

A. Election: 

The Board decided to held the elections on Tuesday April 19th 2022 at 7pm at the Kosciuszko Park.  Helena will prepare the ballots and give it to Bozenka in case she will not be available for the elections.  Iwona, Bozenka and Eliza will arrange for the rest of things needed for elections: the ballot box, flags, tablecloths and other appropriate decorations. 

B. Transition of the duties to the new Board: We decided invite the new Board to the Warzycha Family’s s backyardfor a less formal meeting on May 17th 2022 at 7pm. In case of inclement weather, we will meet at a restaurant “somewhere out there”. The public libraries, Panera and other coffee shops close too soon to organize the evening meetings. 

C. Paypal donations for Ukraine:

Bartek presented the results from our fundraising efforts: $6500. He intends to transfer it via Swift to the Polish Humanitarian Action. The transfer will produce a receipt=proof of payment. He suggested to compose a thank you note with the receipt attached and an encouragement for the continuing support. The Board agreed.

Jennifer Day-Haegr, Kasia Barkley and Grzes Rempala recorded a song (with the Hermit Woods Recording Studio’s help) and offered it to the Board to use in the fundraising efforts. The Board agreed but decided to accompany the video with a slide show. Malgosia Thurston, the Webmaster, agreed to help with setting it up. The song will be added to the GoFundMe “thank you” mailing and Malgosia T suggested to add it the mailings from PAC. The Webmaster will decide where else to post it for best impact. 

C. Easter Eggs Hunt: The Board discussed this idea and the history of previous Easter Egg hunts. We decided that the idea is worth pursuing. The Board suggested that parents with young children should be consulted about this idea. The Board decided to suggest the idea of the Easter Egg Hunt to the new Board. 

D. Tour of Josephinium: 

At this point we have 5 people signed up and two more thinking about it. We will advertise the tour (we can accommodate 15 people). A separate mailing will be sent regarding the Tour soon (after the Elections). Helena will prepare it for Malgosia T. 

E. The Rally for Ukranian Children: This Saturday. Posted on PAC media.

The Ukranian Cultural Society of Ohio asked PAC to contribute a speaker or something that would help with having a more formal program. Helena suggested that we use the recording from Hermit Woods Production at the next Rally for Ukraine this Saturday. The Board was skeptical because the song is in Polish. The Board asked Helena to decide at the rally if it will be an appropriate contribution, with an English introduction.

The info about the song that should be in the minutes as well. 

Title: Jest taki kraj

Tekst: Jan Pietrzak

Muzyka: Zbigniew Raj

Aranżacja: Woods Hermit Production (donated the time, equipment and expertise)

Wykonawcy: Jennifer Day-Haeger, Kasia Barkley, Grzegorz RempalaBozenka suggested to notify other American-European organizations about the rally. Helena will send all the info to the Eastern European Congress

5. Other issues: The Board briefly discussed the Wigilja and Valentine’s party. The challenge of incorporating younger generation without jeopardizing the fun for the older members was discussed. Also, the new Board needs to consider the lights for the parties. 

6. Adjournment: Next Meeting: Where and when: Elections: Tuesday, April 19th at the Kosciuszko’s Park in Dublin.