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PAC Minutes from the Board’s Meeting Feb 19, 2019

4 min read

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


                     President:  Robert Warzycha

                     Treasurer: Bartek Warzycha

                     Secretary: Absent

         Trustees Present: Marlena Przybył, Helena Rempala, Eliza Warzycha, Bozena Stanek

Members present: Zbigniew Lorenc

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting: Minutes from the January meetings were approved unanimously. 
  2. Financial Report: Total Account: $32,530.11. All the bills from Wigilia have been tallied and paid. Total loss: $200.
  3. Open Issues: 

– Ostatki: 

Venue: Reserved and ready to see us. No helium balloons this time. 

Decorations: Bożenka, Joasia I Eliza zrobiły wizję lokalną, zakupiły część dekoracji i obmyśliły oświetlenie. Bożenka da klucze Zbyszkowi żeby mógl wejść wcześniej. Zbyszek zatekstuje jeśli sala bedzie wolna. Fajnie bybyło mieć ze 2 godziny na udekorowanie i przygotowanie sali. Bożenka z Joasią będą kierować dekoracją sali. 

Attendance: Bartek reported that we can expect 72 people already. The Board decided to cap the admittance at 100-110. We will set up 12 round table and a rectangular table for the larger party. 

Helena will contact Gosia and ask her to re-open the registration. Bartek will monitor the registration and let Gosia know to close it when the registration will hit 90 to accommodate walk-ins. 

Once the registration will be open, Helena will ask Gosia to post a memo to the members on social media “Dear PAC Members and Friends, looks like the Ostatki Party will be well attended. We already have 72 people signed up. We will keep the registration open till we reach 100 attendees. 

Hope to see you all there, 

PAC Board of Trustees”

Ex-Presidents come in for free. We will ask Iwona to check the statute who else qualifies as honorary member. 

Bartek will need to set up shop at the entrance to the main hall to check people in and to collect the last minutes registrations. He will need to keep track of the count of people coming. 

Entertainment: Zbyszek will set up the music as discussed in the meeting. He will set up the Karaoke as well. Helena will facilitate and DJ the karaoke as a contest between the tables. Helena will secure 3 prizes for the winning tables. 

Bożenka will ask Joasia to come up with a few games for the party (e.g., musical chairs, Jedzie pociąg, taniec z balonem etc.) Joasia will give Zbyszek a list of games so he can secure the appropriate music a week before the party. 

We think that the party will loosely follow the following schedule:

6:30: opening remarks by Robert

Time to mingle and greet each other, have a bite, Karaoke rule will be explained. 

7:15: dance floor opens 

Zbyszek will coordinate breaks between the segments of the dancing music and background music. 

 8-ish :  Karaoke contest (about 20 minutes)

More dancing. 

Food: Eliza is taking care of coordinating the food and beverages. Bożenka suggested a bottle of wine for each table. Bottle openers will be needed!!!! 

– April as Eastern European History Month. Jan Klarenbacj is coordinating PAC participation in the Eastern European History Month. Grześ Kucharski agreed to organize the Polish exhibitionThe Board forgot top vote on the issue.

– Polish priest and professor at Josephinum: Helena reported her so far unsuccessful efforts to organize a lecture by a Polish professor of theology at Josephinium Seminary.

– Web site confusion reported by visitors: Per Helena’s report, Gosia is working on PAC new website. She plans to launch it in April to not interfere with the Ostatki registration. Hopefully this will set us apart from Myszkowski’s web page which is no longer in use but still visitors find it when they look for Polonia in Columbus. 

– Ads for our website and handling other organizations requests: Per Helena’s report Gosia is asking everyone to send her the names of businesses that we would like to list on our webpage.

– Fund raising – follow up:  Marlena is ready to launch the fundraising efforts. Bartek promised to look for a template letter that would be appropriate.  

IV.  New Issues

– Elections: Zbyszek reminded the Board that we need to prepare for the Elections 2019. They will be held 4/16/19 from 7pm to 9pm.  Bartek will secure the room at the Lane Road Library in the basement. Will Iwona will be preparing the ballot? 

Helena will ask Gosia to post the candidates on the web. 

Candidates for the PAC Board of Trustees for the 2020

For President: Robert Watzycha

For Vice-President: Helena Rempala

For Secretary: Iwona Testani

For Trustees: Bożena Stanek, Joanna, Kruger, Marlena Przybył, Eliza Warzycha, Grzegorz Łęcki, Zbigniew Lorenc

  • Date for Wigilia 2019: Tentatively we will look for a venue for the evening of 12/7/2019. The Board was divided which venue to use. Zbyszek suggested that the acustics in the UA Barn were awful, much worse than at the Legion place. Marlena commented that the entertainment program lost a lot of its value by not having a stage on which to perform. Bożenka and Helena liked the venue and heard positive comments from members about the quality of the place. Robert suggested setting up a voting pool on the website and facebook to ask the members which venue they like better and include a section for comments about the venues.
  • Bożenka and Eliza decided that they will organize Topienie Marzanny 2019 on Saturday 3/23. They will let Gosia know the details and where to adverstise. 
  • Adjournment: Next Meeting: March 19, 7p, Bartek will let us know where the meeting will take place.