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PAC from the Board’s Meeting Nov 20, 2019

2 min read

Present: Helena, Iwona, Marlena, Joanna, Bozena, Eliza, Grzegorz Lecki.

Minutes from the last meeting approved.

A message from the treasurer re. the Club’s budget: $30,530.21

Organizing Wigilia:

The music equipment has been purchased, Grzegorz will find out from Zbyszek if it will be available for use during Wigilia. Zbyszek will be at the venue to set things up. 

The program was reviewed and agreed on, Helena will print copies. The newly assigned priest, father Wojciech Stachura will join us for the evening, will give us blessing. 

Eliza and Marlena will take care of the raffle. Lisiecki family may sing during a visit from Santa/giving out stockings. We are waiting to find out if they are coming.

Matt and Nick Mikulski will be Santa and an elf again this year if they do not have work conflicts, Tom (Jennifer’s husband) is on standby. Jennifer is willing to provide music throughout the evening.

We agreed that the president will conclude the evening/thank everybody for coming at 8:30 pm. 

Bozena will contact Diana’s store to order bread for the tables, $3.50 a loaf. Oplatki have been blessed, will be on the tables and available for sale.

There will be 15 tables, Eliza? will buy them. We discussed making “reserved” signs but decided against them. YogaBear club will take care of the centerpieces, Asia has an idea for the design.

We would like to have the wooden Christmas trees again this year, ten total – five to give away as raffle prizes, five to sell – $15 each.  

Bozena put a motion on the table to purchase wine for tables for the Ostatki dance. Iwona seconded the motion, six voted for, one against. Wine will be purchased.

Starting in December we will go back to having meetings on Tuesdays. Bartosz will try to get a room at the library for the 3rd Tuesday of December.

The meeting ended.