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Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


President:Robert Warzycha              

Vice-President: Bożena Stanek

                     Treasurer: Bartosz Wartzycha

                     Secretary: Helena Rempała,

                     Trustees: Małgorzata Cymbał (last 40 min of the meeting)

                     WebMaster: Małgorzata Thurston

I. Call to order and roll call

II. Approval of minutes from December

Financial Report: Bartosz presented the financial report for the last month. He is still working on compiling the outstanding bills for Wigilja:

$29540 and 68 cents

Total for the fundraiser was $259. $125 will be paid to Saint Christopher Parish as a donation for the musical instruments at the Polish Mass. Bartosz will make this donation via PayPal account of the Parish. 

The monthly storage fee went up. It now is $70. 

III. Open Issues:

1. Elections to the PAC Board: Joanna Krieger and Gosia Cymbał still have one year in their term as Trustees. Bartosz agreed to stay in his role as the Treasurer. 

Robert Warzycha reached the limit of the allowable terms to serve as President. He declared readiness to help with the Picnic and other events as a member of the Club. 

Bożenka finished her term as Vice-President and is retiring from the Board. She declared her readiness to help with Parties and Events as a member of the Club. She will be leaving for sabbatical in December 2022, possibly will not be present at Wigilja. 

Helena finished her term as a Secretary and is retiring from the Board. She declared her readiness to help with Wigilja. 

Thus we have the following vacancies for officers of the Club: President, Vice President and Secretary.

We have at least one vacancy in the Board of Trustees. Bożena will check with Iwona about her plans for the participation in the Board. 

We have not found a new Webmaster to replace Gosia Thurstone yet. 

The Board brainstormed who to ask to submit their candidacies. Bartosz, Robert and Bożenka came up with names of few members in good standing. We also will advertise the vacancies. Helena will compose the information to be posted regarding the elections. 

2. Valentine’s party: The Board discussed the safety and feasibility of organizing the event. The Board came up with the most sensible options and then voted on it. It passed with 4 votes “yes”, 1 declining from voting and 2 absent. 

The dance will take place on February 19th at The American Legion in Westerville at 6:30 PM. Decorating can be started at 5 PM.

Bożenka will ask Danusia to make pączki. It has been decided that there will be a deadline to sign up for the dance –till February 3rdt . Gosia C. and Bartosz will compose the invitation/advertisement and Gosia T will post asap. 

The Club provides water, coffee and tea and paczki for the tables. It is, as usual, a potluck dinner. Bozenka and Asia to lead the decorating group. Bartosz, Robert and Bożena will be looking for a DJ.  Bartosz will ask Adam Czechowski for help with karaoke. 

The dance will be advertised to The OSU students with a discount tickets for $10. 

3. We did not have time to talk about Wigilja. It was a nice, safe event. 

IV. Other Issues: Bartosz will reserve the Alum Creek for 3-4-5 of September. Bożenka will reserve Mirollo Barn for 12-17-2022.

V. Adjournment: Next Meeting: February 4 at 7pm to make the last organizational decisions re: party.