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2 min read

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


Vice-President: Bożena Stanek, 

Treasurer: Bartosz Warzycha

Secretary: Helena Rempała, 

Trustees: Iwona Testani

Webmaster: Małgorzata Thurston (via Zoom)

I. Call to order and roll call: Robert Warzycha, Małgorzata Cymbał and Joanna Krieger were excused. 

II. Approval of minutes from May’s meeting 

Financial Report: Bartosz presented the current PAC Balance sheet for 6/15/2021: $29,902 and 59 cents.  The most recent expenses included taxes, storage fees and internet fees. 

III. Open Issues:

  1. Picnic: Bartosz and Helena explained that the PAC reservation of the group camp site at the Alum Creek Park was lost in the updates of the booking system. The site is no longer available for that weekend. The Board decided to organize PAC piknik the weekend earlier. The booking was done during the meeting, the deposit was paid via PAC credit card with the official PAC e-mail address. Bartosz updated the Board with regard to the password to the email and to the campsite reservation. Check in is on Friday 8/27 at 3pm. Check out is on Sunday 8/29 at 1pm. Reservation number: 775699. 

The Board discussed preparation for the picnic. Two Board members (Helena and Bartosz) and potentially 1 Trustee will not be available to help with the picnic. The following tasks were discussed:

  • Setting up the tent (4 people needed, at least!)
  • Bonfire and wood for the bonfire: we will ask the members for help, as usual. 
  • Plastic utensils, paper cups, plates, table clothes for the picnic: Helena and Iwona (plus Eliza who volunteered to help) will check what  is available at the storage and will compile a shopping list.
  • Water: someone will need to volunteer to bring water for the Saturday potluck. 
  • Volleyball, games/activities for the children, guitar playing for the adults on Saturday –  we need volunteers. Helena will ask Grzegorz to check with Tomek Lisiecki if he plans to come with his family musical band. 

Bigos for the Saturday potluck?

Helena suggested that we actively seek volunteers soon. Bożęnka suggested to have a clear agenda that will invite the participants to share meals on Saturday and Sunday morning as well. The Board will also clarify with the Park Staff the rules regarding “cisza nocna” or noise ordinance.

2. Wigilia: Bożenka explained that PAC also lost its reservation of Wigilja due to the change in Staff during the last year. The Board re-booked Wigilia for 18th of December 2021, from 5:30-8:30 at the Amelita Mirolo Barn at UA. PAC will have access to the Barn to decorate and set it up from 4pm. The Board brainstormed about the program. Helena or Bożena will ask Jennifer if she would be willing to provide live background music like in 2019. We will want the children and youth to perform as well. The acoustic issues were discussed and what may be needed both for Wigilia and for the Valentine’s party. Bartosz will check with Maciek regarding the amplifier and microphone. The Board may need to purchase new equipment. The Board decided that it needs more information. 

3. Walentynki: Bartosz will check with the America Legion regarding the reservation for the 2/12/22. 

The Board decided to meet in July to finish preparing the picnic before Helena and Bartosz will leave for Poland.

The Board asked Gosia to start posting the dates of the upcoming events as the “save the date”: Picnic can be posted right away, Wigilia as soon as the final confirmation will be given (Bożenka will have it Thursday at the Yoga meeting), Walentynki as soon as Bartosz will confirm the date. 

IV. Adjournment: Next Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of the month, July 20th at 7pm. We will meet in person, most likely still in the private home.