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PAC Board Meeting Feb 16, 2021

2 min read

Present: Robert, Bozena, Bartosz, Helena, Iwona, Marlena, Gosia T., Elizabeth T.

Minutes from the previous two meetings were approved.

Financial report: $31,120.71 in the bank account.

Gosia requested suggestions/ideas/information on the subjects and activities relevant to the Club’s members to be posted on the Club’s website and  social media.

Bartosz is going to work on getting an approval from his employer to be posted as  a source of information on a “circle of financial services”. We talked about delis that carry Polish food; Diana Deli an Euro Delicatessen in Galloway, Olimpia Dawidowicz as CPA, Robert as contact for information on soccer clubs/training. 

Marlena suggested contacting the Polish Consulate requesting periodic info/updates on changes in rules and laws on immigration.

Bartosz suggested posting a link to Aaron Travel Agency in Cleveland, owned by Ela i Tomek Chalasinski who are members of our Club. Their agency has facilitated Polish passports renewal for several years. 

Gosia is going to post on the club’s calendar the monthly meetings in case members are interested in attending and , and the Mass in Polish.A new initiative was presented by Gosia as a way to attract/target younger or more involved in social media part of the community.

Elizabeth is going to use Instagram to post photos from the Columbus area inviting others to do the same as a fun way to explore the area/have others guess where they were taken. Bartosz is going to forward to Elizabeth some photos that he has available.Robert proposed the Club inviting/encouraging  the members to attend the Easter services in Polish at St. Christopher’s since there was no gathering last year. We have not come to any decision on that yet.

The coming up elections: Gosia is posting a request for candidates/volunteers. Tentatively, if necessary, Robert, Bozena, Bartosz agreed to consider staying for another year. We would like Helena to remain the secretary, if at all [possible.  We dicussed potential candidates to invite to be trustees. We have to say goodbye to Marlena for now. 

Helena will make arrangements for a Zoom lecture to be presented on March 20th, by registration/invitation. Other ideas for virtual presentations: Bartosz/investments, Krzysztof Stanek/astronomy.Next meeting March 9th/Zoom.