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PAC Minutes from the Board’s Meeting Nov 19, 2018

4 min read

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees


                     President: Robert Warzycha

                     Secretary: not present (minutes by Helena)

Treasurer: Bartosz Warzycha

Trustees: Bożena Stanek, Małgorzata Thurstone, Joanna Krieger, Helena Rempała, Marlena Przybył

  1. Minutes from the last meeting were approved.
  2. Financial Report: Account is at 32857.21, down by $201 from the last month’s statement. The main expenses are now related to Wigilia. 
  3. Issues
  4. Iwona is asked to contact Bartek with regards to the process of issuing a certificate for tax deductible donation: He would like to discuss the text of the letter thanking the donor. There should be a template already in the saved files.
  5. Wigilia:
  6. Mikołaj: The Mikulksi brothers have somne conflict (one is working on Saturdays.) Bozena will ask Mr. Myszkowski and Bartek will ask Mike O’Shea if they could help in a pinch. 
  7. Joanna asked for $100 for the lights and other decorations for Wigilia. The request was voted and approved. 
  8. The Board came up with several ideas to make Wigilia a bit more profitable:
  9. Have a jar for donations by the coffee table,
  10. Make wooden snowmen with the children and sell them to the guests (Bo)
  11. The web page will announce the possibility to place the online orders for t-shirts, wafers, and the patriotic lapel pins. The pick up of the ordered and paid for merchandise will be at Wigilia. Gosia, Bartek and Bożenka will coordinate the sale and distribution. The items will also be available at Wigilia for sale. 
  12. Joasia and Helena will bring two electric water pots to boil water for tea.
  13. Eliza and Iwona were volunteered to take care of coffee makers and coffee.
  14. Joasia and  Bozena will secure table clothes, paper plates, plastic ware, cups, and napkins. Bożenka plans to bake small breads and place one on each table along with the center pieces.
  15. Helena consulted with Grześ Łęcki and selected vendors for the gift cards. Board approved and Bożenka suggested a more playful way to organize the lottery: the winners will have a choice of picking their secret gift from a basket or take one of the larger decorations (trees) that Bożena is making for Wigilia. 
  16. Robert said that Eliza and Iwona talked to Danusia about the order of 300 pierogis already. 
  17. Tentative Schedule for Wigilia:

5:30 Mingle, meet and greet

6:00: The Presidential Address

father Michael’s address and blessing of the food

Breaking the Christmas wafers

6:30: Dinner

2 Christmas carols

7:30 Saint Nicola’s visit with the Children

2 Christmas Carols

8:00 Lottery

Christmas carols and visiting with each other

9:00 Closing of Wigilia

9-10: Clean UP

  • OSTATKI: Zbyszek Lorenc suggests to check if the Club still has a deposit with the Westerville venue ($200). Then quickly get on the on-line calendar and reserve the room at the at the “How to rent” Step 1 “rental calendar”. The Board check the available dates and March 2nd is still available and all present said they can be there. This needs to happen ASAP and the Board is asking Iwona to look into her calendar and if it is a good date, to coordinate payment with Bartek, if needed. Mike – please let Iwona know as well if 3/2 is good for you. Robert is asking to avoid booking Ostatki for the 2/23 because he will not be available.
  • Donations: Marlena is suggesting a more assertive approach to soliciting donations for the Club. Helena will compose an initial letter and she will take it further. 
  • Advertisements to and by our members: Gosia is spearheading a more efficient use of our social media but we are still unclear as to how we could promote members’’ business activities. Barter will look into the 503C status and talk it over with Grześ Łęcki a bit more. We will resume the discussion at the next meeting. 
  • Adjournment: Next Meeting: 12/18/18  7:30PM at the Tremont Library. Bartek will reserve the room and let us know if there are any changes.