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3 min read

Type of Meeting: Board of Trustees

Attendees: President: Robert Warzycha

Vice-President: Bożena Stanek

Treasurer: Bartosz Warzycha

Secretary: Helena Rempała, 

Trustees: Iwona Testani

Webmaster: Małgorzata Thurstone

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Minutes from June were approved
  3. Financial Report: Bartosz reported $29492 and 59 cents on the account
  4. Open Issues:
  5. Picnic: Check in is on Friday 8/27 at 3pm. Check out is on Sunday 8/29 at 1pm. Reservation number: 775699. 

We decided to advertise the picnic and ask for help in specific areas. However, we need to have the basic necessities taken care off. 


  • offered to secure the site at 3pm on Friday, 
  • check the amount of fire wood available
  •  bring 2 packages of water (40 bottles each) from Costco. 
  • bring the volleyball net (hopefully a new one, purchased for and by PAC – Bartek) and his own two collapsible soccer goal nets and 2 balls. 
  • Coordinate setting up the tent in the event of rain. 8 people needed. Maybe Friday evening? 

Bożenka suggested to ask Zuzia for the wood from the crates, as in the years apst.  She will coordinate with Robert if more wood will be necessary

Antoni Rempala offered to bring some wood as well on Friday evening or on Saturday. He will coordinate with Robert when would be the best time and what is needed. He will also will bring “bocce” and one Kadima set.

Bozenka and Iwona offered to bring from the storage: utensils, table cloths, cups, signs for the picnic and the flags (for the picture on Saturday). They plan on bringing it on Friday afternoon. 

Bartosz offered to purchase a solid volleyball net with a ball and the pump and leave it at Robert’s house for the picnic. The Board voted unanimously to allow this purchase from the Board’s funds. 

The Board discussed the schedule for the Picnic. Using past experiences as examples, the Board decided to only schedule the main events, leaving the socializing to the attendees, while providing options and opportunities (soccer, volleyball, Kadima). Bożenka asked that in the advertisement for the Picnic we include water sports and ask people to bring their equipment. She also checked via text with Joasia who responded that she will most likely attend the picnic and help out. The Board asked Grzegorz Rempala to ask the Lisiecki family if they will attend the picnic and plan to bring their instruments. He left a message for Tomasz. 

The following was agreed upon:

Friday: 8/27/21, 3pm opening of the site

Saturday 8/28/21, 6pm Dinner with bonfire

Sunday 8/29/21, Morning: Breakfast  – potluck campers are attendees invited to share the morning meal. 

  • Helena and Iwona reported that the Inventory has been completed with the help of Grzegorz Rempala and Eliza Warzycha. The report will follow soon. Helena is about to finish it. 
  • Wigilia: For now all is set for 12/18 2021 from 5:30-8:30 per Bożenka. No further discussion at this point. 
  • Walentynki: For now all is set for 2/18/2022 per Bartosz. No further discussion at this point. 
  • OSU info regarding Polish Studies, new post-doc, new professor and new visiting scholar. The Board discussed the request from Bartosz’s friend to help Dr. Szczepański find lodging for himself and his family (wife plus toddler) for the few months. The Board tossed a few ides (OSU housing for professors, asking one member that rented a few rooms in his house before). No good solution was reached. The Board agreed to issue an invitation for the new faculty at OSU to join us at any of our events. Gosia, the Webmaster, agreed to pass her contact information to the Director of Slavic Studies, Dr. Angela Brintlinger Director, Center for Slavic, East European and ​Eurasian Studies, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, Affiliate, Mershon Center for International Security Studies to facilitate advertisement of cultural events and courses offered at OSU. Helena will respond to Dr. Britlinger and Bartosz will answer his friend re: lodging. 
  • Helena asked that the Board members keep sending news about cultural events in Poland and Polish cultural events in the US to Gosia for consideration for the social media.
  • No meeting in August. Helena will send out the September Agenda but asked that another Board member takes notes and prepare the Minutes. She will be in a VERY different time zone and will skip the meeting. 
  • Adjournment: Attention, Date Change: Next Meeting: 4rd Tuesday of the month, September 28th at 7pm to accommodate Bartosz’s travel plans. Place to be arranged in September. Helena may try to join from abroad. We will meet in person, most likely still in the private home.