We cordially invite all our Members and their Families for the traditional Christmas celebration/Opłatek in a NONTRADITIONAL way.
When: December 12th at 7 pm Where: on Zoom. How: Register with the PAC Secretary, Helena Rempala at hrempala68@gmail.com to obtain a link and your registration number. Our yearly drawing of prizes will take place on Zoom using your registration number. The numbers will be assigned following the order of registration, from 1 to …up to 300. One number per registrant/family. Keep it safe but in plain view. As usual, prizes will be …fabulous. How to prepare: Register with Helena by noon 12/12/20. Be patient with technology. If you will need help, Malgosia Thurstone, our WebMaster will be available before the meeting for troubleshooting. ASK YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS FOR HELP. They rock on Zoom. If you wish, please submit the family photo to the PAC Secretary along with your registration email and indicate your wish to address our Zoom crowd with the Christmas Greetings (30 seconds shoutout per family). In no way will this recreate our joyful chaos of Christmas greetings during our Wigilias but the technology gives us the unique opportunity to be together differently! Bonus: no MASKS required! Program Christmas Carol: Przybieżeli do Betlejem The 2020 President Address by Robert Warzycha Christmas blessing by Father Andrzej Koźmiński from Saint Christopher’s Parish in Grandview Christmas Greetings and symbolic breaking of the Christmas Wafer Prizes! Announcements Closing Christams Carol “ Bóg się Rodzi”- Post category:Christmas Party-Wigilia / PAC Announcements / PAC Events