Carfagna’s Custom Catering
Ostatki 3/1/25 CATERED this year courtesy of Carfagna’s Custom Catering!Come enjoy a night of Food, Music, Prizes and more! Register
Ostatki 3/1/25 CATERED this year courtesy of Carfagna’s Custom Catering!Come enjoy a night of Food, Music, Prizes and more! Register
Now available for purchase You may purchase Opłatki before or after the Polish Holy Mass on Sundays at St. Christopher’s Church (noon mass) or during Wigilia (Christmas Party) on December…
PAC WIGILIA December 14th ! Dear PAC Members and Friends! Please mark your calendars for the PAC's annual Christmas party on December 14th at 5:30 p.m. It will be a…
I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July and is enjoying the warm summer vibes. As we dive into the heart of summer, remember to save the date for…
The Board of Trustees of the Polish American Club (PAC) has a long-standing tradition of conducting annual elections in Thaddeus Kosciuszko Park, named after a renowned Polish freedom fighter. Mr.…
Dear PAC Members and friends,We want to remind everyone about the upcoming PAC elections, which will occur on Saturday, April 27, at 4 p.m. The elections will take place at…
Christmas Wafers are no longer available for purchase
All remaining Opłatki are pickup only on Sunday 12pm Mass at St. Christopher’s church in Grandview. (Cost - In Person $5 per package) Can be purchased before…
Opłatki Christmas Wafers Pink & White Tradition Opłatek (Cost - Online $6 per package, In Person $5 per package) Can be purchased before or after the Holy Mass in…
Countdown to PAC WIGILIA 00Days Left The annual PAC Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 10th at 5:30 pm at the Amelita Mirolo Barn at the Sunny 95 Park in Upper Arlington.…