We are reminding everyone that on Tuesday, April 20 we will be holding PAC elections for the positions at the Polish American Club Board of Trustees. Most of the members of the current Board are willing and ready to serve one more year – to help transition the Club back to the post-pandemic normalcy and face-to-face gatherings.
For the 2021 we have several vacancies for the positions of Trustees. We also welcome volunteers that would like to run for the positions of Officers of the Board.
For the 2022 the current Board will be retiring and most positions will need to be filled. We encourage everyone to consider running for the positions on the Board. A good idea may be to start attending the Board meetings (we still meet on Zoom but hopefully not for long) to get familiar with the workings of the Board.
At this point we are looking at the following list of candidates:
For President: Robert Warzycha
For Vice-President: Bożena Stanek
For Secretary: Helena Rempala
For Treasurer: Bartosz Warzycha
Trustee 1: Iwona Testani
Trustee 2: Vacancy
Trustee 3: Vacancy
Trustee 4: Vacancy
Trustee 5: Vacancy
The elections will take place on 4/20/21 from 7pm till 8pm at the Kościuszko Park’s Pavillion.